Original: Google Alert - "Presidential Campaign" AND "US"=== Google Groups Alert for: "Presidential Campaign" AND "US" ===
The groups Obama kept off his résumé
Close Obama friend and presidential campaign adviser Valerie Jarrett would
later join the Joyce Foundation board in 2003. ... Obama was seen on
network television promising that, "[B]efore I even get inaugurated, during
the transition, we're going to be calling all of you in to help us shape
the agenda. ...
http://groups.google.com/group/alt.fan.rush-limbaugh?hl=en - Oct 16, 2008
by MFOgilvie - 2 message - 2 author
McCain lost final debate with Obama, polls say
... Democrat rival Barack Obama today, the Arizona senator viewed as having
lost a debate he was hoping might help resurrect his flagging presidential
campaign. ... He demanded that Senator Obama renounce the comments of
Georgia congressman John Lewis, a leader in the US civil rights movement,
who recently linked ...
http://groups.google.com/group/alt.activism.death-penalty?hl=en - Oct 16,
2008 by Earl Evleth - 8 message - 4 author
John R. Reilly, AdviserTo Mondale, 80, NY Times
DGH perin...@eudoramail.com alt obituaries -
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/16/us/16reilly.html?ref=obituaries John R.
Reilly, Adviser to Mondale, Is Dead at 80 By ... Mr. Reilly joined John
Kennedy's presidential campaign in 1960, and later Attorney General Robert
F. Kennedy chose him as one of his closest aides. ...
http://groups.google.com/group/alt.obituaries?hl=en - Oct 16, 2008 by DGH -
1 message - 1 author
Reading them makes us all more stupid. Are you aware of that? 2008/10/16
Brent Wolters <brentonpatr...@comcast.net> We've learned more about Joe the
Plumber in twenty-four hours than we've learned about Barack Obama in
twenty-one months of his presidential campaign. See what the media can
accomplish when they're ...
http://groups.google.com/group/jsmog?hl=en - Oct 16, 2008 by Kyle Curtis -
21 message - 7 author
Ahhhh, Another GOP War Profitteer!! ""Support The Troops??""
... for Senator John McCain's presidential campaign, called the
allegations "deeply disappointing" and asserted that they were not
supported by the facts. ... But Mr. Sargeant's lawyer, Mark H. Tuohey
III, said in his statement that "the interests of the US taxpayer would
have been better served if the authors had ...
http://groups.google.com/group/Coalitionforfreethoughtinmedia?hl=en - Oct
17, 2008 by James - 1 message - 1 author
Re: Meritocracy
Can you argue that "our" representatives represent us? Or must you admit
that they represent those who fund their campaigns? The MSM no longer
publishes the amount of money applied to the two candidates in the present
presidential campaign. The last number I read on Obama was that he'd taken
$400 million in ...
http://groups.google.com/group/ni4dus?hl=en - Oct 16, 2008 by jfmxl - 15
message - 5 author
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