суббота, 29 ноября 2008 г.

International Crisis Group - B51 Georgia: The Risks of Winter

Original: International Crisis Group - B51 Georgia: The Risks of Winter

International Crisis Group - B51 Georgia: The Risks of Winter: ""President Saakashvili promised a wave of reforms in September", says Lawrence Sheets, Crisis Group's Caucasus Project Director. "But if they aren't completed and expanded, he is likely to lose international goodwill and some of the $5.4 billion of aid promised at the donors conference"."

BBC NEWS | Europe | Saakashvili defends S Ossetia war

Original: BBC NEWS | Europe | Saakashvili defends S Ossetia war

BBC NEWS | Europe | Saakashvili defends S Ossetia war: "He said: 'We did not seek a green light from anyone. The decision was taken by us independently, without asking for permission from anyone.'"

Civil.Ge | Saakashvili Testifies Before War Commission

Original: Civil.Ge | Saakashvili Testifies Before War Commission

Civil.Ge | Saakashvili Testifies Before War Commission: "I want to tell in respect of this question – did we carried out military actions in the begiing of August with an aim to regain control over Tskhinvali and those areas which were not under our control in South Ossetia? – I was saying it openly previously and I state it now, that yes we decided to carry out military actions in the Tskhinvali region; it was a difficult decision, which would have been taken by any responsible democratic government to protect the security of its citizens;"

пятница, 28 ноября 2008 г.

Ex-Diplomat Says Georgia Started War With Russia - NYTimes.com

Original: Ex-Diplomat Says Georgia Started War With Russia - NYTimes.com

Ex-Diplomat Says Georgia Started War With Russia - NYTimes.com: "A former confidant of President Mikheil Saakashvili, Mr. Kitsmarishvili said Georgian officials told him in April that they planned to start a war in Abkhazia, one of two breakaway regions at issue in the war, and had received a green light from the United States government to do so. He said the Georgian government later decided to start the war in South Ossetia, the other region, and continue into Abkhazia"

The Associated Press: Ex-ambassador blames Georgia for war with Russia

Original: The Associated Press: Ex-ambassador blames Georgia for war with Russia

The Associated Press: Ex-ambassador blames Georgia for war with Russia: "TBILISI, Georgia (AP) — Before this summer's Georgia-Russia war, President Mikhail Saakashvili was itching to do battle and authorities mistook messages from the United States as encouragement to use force, Georgia's former ambassador to Russia said Wednesday."

U.S. Presses NATO on Georgia and Ukraine - NYTimes.com

Original: U.S. Presses NATO on Georgia and Ukraine - NYTimes.com

U.S. Presses NATO on Georgia and Ukraine - NYTimes.com: "U.S. Presses NATO on Georgia and Ukraine"

Mr. Fried said that the MAP process "was never an end in itself," and that NATO ministers could discuss allowing Georgia and Ukraine into the alliance through other means.

среда, 26 ноября 2008 г.

понедельник, 24 ноября 2008 г.

12 Points for Singing and a Bullet for Presidents! or La vita e bella!

Original: 12 Points for Singing and a Bullet for Presidents! or La vita e bella!

While Georgian young contestants were getting 12 points for their performance and finally became the winners of Junior Eurovision song contest 2008, Shots have been fired near a motorcade carrying the Georgian and Polish presidents. MR Kaczynski, who visits Georgia more often then his own home city in Poland (I guess) was visiting Sakartvelo due to the marking of the fifth anniversary of the Rose Revolution that swept Mr Saakashvili to power. No injuries were reported in the incident, close to a checkpoint near Georgia's rebel South Ossetia region. Georgian officials said the shots came from inside South Ossetia. But Russia and South Ossetia denied the claim. So, here we go, the same stories of blames, to be continued....
BBC reporting:

President Mikhail Saakashvili and his g of the cortege do not correspond with reality," a Russian spokesman was quoted as saying by Interfax news agency.

"A shelling of the cortege by our servicemen is completely out of the question."

Russian state media also reported South Ossetian denials that shells had been fired at the convoy.

"The South Ossetian side has nothing to do with it," said South Ossetian spokeswoman Irina Gagloyeva told RIA Novosti. "There was no shelling from our side."  

TFF Treasures - Richard Falk - Assessing the Georgian Crisis

Original: TFF Treasures - Richard Falk - Assessing the Georgian Crisis

TFF Treasures - Richard Falk - Assessing the Georgian Crisis: "The Georgian government of Mikheil Saakashvili is far from innocent. It did its irresponsible best to provoke the crisis, militarily attacking the Russian peacekeeping presence in the minority republic of South Ossetia five days earlier, and doing serious damage to the resident population, even generating Russian claims of a genocidal Georgian acts and intentions."

Google Alert - "south-ossetia"

Original: Google Alert - "south-ossetia"

=== Google Web Alert for: "south-ossetia" ===

Shots fired as leaders near South Ossetia - Europe, World - The ...
Nov 24, 2008 ... Gunfire broke out yesterday on the South Ossetian de facto
border after a convoy carrying the Georgian and Polish presidents
approached, ...

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Google Alert - sakartvelo

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Radio Monte Carlo Booming in Tbilisi
The FINANCIAL - Tbilisi,Georgia
Radio Sakartvelo, one of the largest radio broadcasting companies in
Georgia, owns four stations: Fortuna, Fortuna Plus, Ar Daidardo and Auto
Radio. ...
See all stories on this topic:

воскресенье, 23 ноября 2008 г.

Georgia News Digest 11-23-08

Original: Georgia News Digest 11-23-08

Georgia News Digest--notice

Original: Georgia News Digest--notice

Today's Georgia news digest is my last.  I hope to announce soon that it will continue, under new stewardship.

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пятница, 21 ноября 2008 г.

Georgia fired first shot, say UK monitors - Times Online

Original: Georgia fired first shot, say UK monitors - Times Online

Georgia fired first shot, say UK monitors - Times Online: "Georgia fired first shot, say UK monitors"

New Details Surface About Georgia-Russia War : NPR

Original: New Details Surface About Georgia-Russia War : NPR

New Details Surface About Georgia-Russia War : NPR: "New Details Surface About Georgia-Russia War
by Ivan Watson", Morning Edition, November 18, 2008 ·

HRW: Few civilians killed in South Ossetian war - International Herald Tribune

Original: HRW: Few civilians killed in South Ossetian war - International Herald Tribune

HRW: Few civilians killed in South Ossetian war - International Herald Tribune: "HRW: Few civilians killed in South Ossetian war"

Georgia News Digest 11-21-08

Original: Georgia News Digest 11-21-08

BBC NEWS | Special Reports | Georgia accused of targeting civilians

Original: BBC NEWS | Special Reports | Georgia accused of targeting civilians

BBC NEWS | Special Reports | Georgia accused of targeting civilians: "The BBC has discovered evidence that Georgia may have committed war crimes in its attack on its breakaway region of South Ossetia in August. The BBC has discovered evidence that Georgia may have committed war crimes in its attack on its breakaway region of South Ossetia in August."

Op-Ed Columnist - Obama, Misha and the Bear - NYTimes.com

Original: Op-Ed Columnist - Obama, Misha and the Bear - NYTimes.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Obama, Misha and the Bear - NYTimes.com: "Then there is the Georgian War of August. It's still not clear exactly how the war started, but what is certain is that Misha's narrative — an unprovoked Russian invasion that forced Georgian troops to try to defend their territory — is nonsense."

Getting Past Mythmaking In Georgia - Washintonpost.com

Original: Getting Past Mythmaking In Georgia - Washintonpost.com

Thursday, November 20, 2008
Anne Applebaum - Anne Applebaum on the Propaganda Battle over Georgia - washingtonpost.com: "Their most important conclusion? Georgia started it and killed civilians in the process. My conclusion? We knew that already. We also knew, and have known for some time, that Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili is susceptible to extreme bouts of criminal foolhardiness...

There was, it seems, one minor miscalculation: As a very senior Russian official recently told a very senior European official, "we expected the Georgians to invade on August 8, not August 7."

четверг, 20 ноября 2008 г.

Georgia News Digest 11-20-08

Original: Georgia News Digest 11-20-08

среда, 19 ноября 2008 г.

Georgia News Digest 11-19-08

Original: Georgia News Digest 11-19-08

Georgia mounts fight-back after accusations of aggression - Europe, World - The Independent

Original: Georgia mounts fight-back after accusations of aggression - Europe, World - The Independent

Georgia mounts fight-back after accusations of aggression - Europe, World - The Independent: "Amnesty International will today be the latest to challenge the Georgian narrative in an authoritative 76-page report which accuses Georgia and Russia of war crimes during the short, sharp war triggered by the Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili on 7 August"

Report Faults All Parties in War in Georgia - NYTimes.com

Original: Report Faults All Parties in War in Georgia - NYTimes.com

Report Faults All Parties in War in Georgia - NYTimes.com: "Russian, Georgian and South Ossetian forces failed to protect civilians, and in some cases singled them out for attack, during the war in Georgia, according to a report released Tuesday by Amnesty International."

De la “Revolutia rozelor” la razboiul din Georgia

Original: De la "Revolutia rozelor" la razboiul din Georgia

Fundatia Pentru Romania si Ambasada Georgiei la Bucuresti au onoarea sa va invite la Decernarea de premii pentru presa si societatea civila romaneasca si la Expozitia de fotografii itineranta “Razboiul din Georgia asa cum a fost”. Evenimentul este organizat cu prilejul aniversarii a cinci ani de la “Revolutia rozelor”, eveniment care a generat premisa unui [...]

вторник, 18 ноября 2008 г.

Белый дом ищет для Грузии обходной путь в НАТО / infox.ru

Original: Белый дом ищет для Грузии обходной путь в НАТО / infox.ru

Белый дом ищет для Грузии обходной путь в НАТО / infox.ru: "Белый дом ищет для Грузии обходной путь в НАТО"

Google Video Alert - russia and war and south-ossetia and georgia

Original: Google Video Alert - russia and war and south-ossetia and georgia

Google Video Alert for: russia and war and south-ossetia and georgia

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Georgia News Digest 11-18-08

Original: Georgia News Digest 11-18-08

понедельник, 17 ноября 2008 г.

суббота, 15 ноября 2008 г.

BBC NEWS | Sarkozy scorns Bush over Georgia

Original: BBC NEWS | Sarkozy scorns Bush over Georgia

BBC NEWS | Europe | Sarkozy scorns Bush over Georgia: "'I remember the American president's call the day before our departure for Moscow: 'Don't go there, they [the Russians] want to go to Tbilisi, they're 40km away. Don't go, [just] condemn it'."

Gates criticizes Russia president's missile remarks - Los Angeles Times

Original: Gates criticizes Russia president's missile remarks - Los Angeles Times

Gates criticizes Russia president's missile remarks - Los Angeles Times: "Gates and other leaders of North Atlantic Treaty Organization countries went so far as to suggest that the alliance might scrap the process -- known as the membership action plan, or MAP -- in order to break a deadlock that has pitted the U.S. against some of its closest allies in Western Europe, particularly Germany.

Instead, Gates and the summit's host, Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves, said there might be another way to move the two countries toward joining the alliance."

пятница, 14 ноября 2008 г.

Google Video Alert - "south-ossetia"

Original: Google Video Alert - "south-ossetia"

Google Video Alert for: "south-ossetia"
Why Nicaragua recognised South Ossetia and Abkh ogle Alert is brought to you by Google.

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Georgia News Digest 11-14-08

Original: Georgia News Digest 11-14-08

Vladimir Putin 'wanted to hang Georgian President Saakashvili by the balls' - Times Online

Original: Vladimir Putin 'wanted to hang Georgian President Saakashvili by the balls' - Times Online

Vladimir Putin 'wanted to hang Georgian President Saakashvili by the balls' - Times Online: "Vladimir Putin 'wanted to hang Georgian President Saakashvili by the balls'"

Mr Sarkozy's team leaked their exchange to bolster their claim that the French President's intervention saved Georgia — or at least its leader — from further torment. They want to counter charges that he ceded too much in Europe's name by accepting the Russian annexation of the breakaway provinces of South Ossetia and Abkhazia...

Mr Sarkozy, who is under fire for his cosy relations with the two Russian leaders, hit back with sarcasm and an attack on Mr Bush for his su

Eastern Europe's expectations of Barack Obama | Looking west, hopefully | The Economist

Original: Google Video Alert - "south-ossetia"

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Why Nicaragua recognised South Ossetia and Abkh ogle Alert is brought to you by Google.

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четверг, 13 ноября 2008 г.

Russia Seeks Inquiry Into Monitors’ Account of Georgia War - NYTimes.com

Original: Russia Seeks Inquiry Into Monitors' Account of Georgia War - NYTimes.com

Russia Seeks Inquiry Into Monitors' Account of Georgia War - NYTimes.com: "Temuri Yakobashvili, Georgia's minister for reintegration, said Russia "has made large money available to launch information warfare against Georgia, using the K.G.B. arsenal of blackmail, bribes, recruitment and manipulation of information," according to the Interfax news service. "The results of these activities get into the press."
Mr. Grist called Mr. Yakobashvili's statement "ridiculous."
"I've never been under the pay of the K.G.B.," he said. "It's unbelievable to me that he would make that accusation.""

Mary Dejevsky: Why did the West ignore the truth about the war in Georgia? - Mary Dejevsky, Commentators - The Independent

Original: Mary Dejevsky: Why did the West ignore the truth about the war in Georgia? - Mary Dejevsky, Commentators - The Independent

Mary Dejevsky: Why did the West ignore the truth about the war in Georgia? - Mary Dejevsky, Commentators - The Independent: "Mary Dejevsky: Why did the West ignore the truth about the war in Georgia?"

Updates on Georgia

Original: Updates on Georgia

Georgia newsletter 13 - 20 November, 2008

ParaPundit: Examining Russian Economic Growth Under Putin

Original: ParaPundit: Examining Russian Economic Growth Under Putin

ParaPundit: Examining Russian Economic Growth Under Putin: "The top leaders in Russia are now former KGB."

YES, WE CAN or YES, WE WILL?! this is a question...

Original: YES, WE CAN or YES, WE WILL?! this is a question...

What can I say?!  Bush administration has left Obama an international mess. As top Obama advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski told CNN Barack Obama would be faced with “imminent problems” in the context of foreign policy once he takes office, echoing prophetic warnings made recently by Joe Biden, Colin Powell and Madeleine Albright.
For it's part, EU Hopes For Greater Equality With U.S. - reports Ahto Lobjakas for
Radio Free Europe. Welcoming Obama's promise of "change," EU foreign-policy chief Javier Solana said he hopes the new president will see the bloc as a partner in confronting global challenges. "The ticke ng the world's security problems if they work together," - Reuter reports Angela Merkel. German Chancellor said she welcomed the prospect of Georgia and Ukraine becoming members of NATO but warned that neither country would be ready to join"in the foreseeable future". In the same article Reuter recalls times when merkel has been a leading critic of Russia, especially on issues like human rights. But on Monday she focused more on the importance of Russia.!
I know international politics isn't about fairness and high values, but then what is it about at all?! I don't want to live in such world. I don't want to live in the world where people openly state "sorry, but we don't care about you  - poor east European states, cause it's much more important to be fr ry about instability in the hear

Sakartvelo - Through Foreigner Bloggers

Original: Sakartvelo - Through Foreigner Bloggers

I am more and more impressed how interesting and useful opportunity Blogging is... While surfing the internet found some interesting blogs of American  Fulbright researchers spending a year in Tbilisi.  One things is writing about  your home country, but it's always much more exciting reading about  it through foreigner's eyes. You always can learn a lot from such articles. Before I didn't leave Georgia I thought differently about my country, now I have some more realistic aproaches and ideas about it.  When I first went to italy for an academic year and I was "attacked" with  tons of questions about Georgia and the region generally, I suddenly realized how many things I don't know about my homeland and caucasus. It challanged me... So good for me... Above mentioned blogs I found through one of my favourite blogs
Georgia News Digest 11-13-08
A service of the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies
Archives and associated files at

Georgia News Digest 11-12-08

Original: Georgia News Digest 11-12-08

Georgia News Digest 11-12-08
A service of the Georgian Foundation
for Strategic and International Studies
Archives and associated files at groups.google.com/group/genewsfiles2

Russia-Georgia, conflict, and international
Analysis and opinion
South Ossetia and Abkhazia
South Ossetia
Politics and government
Business and economics
General news
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Civil.Ge | Ex-UN Envoy to Georgia to Chair International Probe into August War

Original: Civil.Ge | Ex-UN Envoy to Georgia to Chair International Probe into August War

Civil.Ge | Ex-UN Envoy to Georgia to Chair International Probe into August War: "The European Union's foreign ministers have selected Heidi Tagliavini, a Swiss diplomat, to chair an international investigative commission, which would probe into the causes of the August war between Russia and Georgia,"

NEWS ANALYSIS - Ukraine May Finally Get Nod From NATO at Meeting in Estonia - NYTimes.com

Original: NEWS ANALYSIS - Ukraine May Finally Get Nod From NATO at Meeting in Estonia - NYTimes.com

NEWS ANALYSIS - Ukraine May Finally Get Nod From NATO at Meeting in Estonia - NYTimes.com: "As details emerge that point to provocative, perhaps even foolhardy behavior by Georgia's leadership, some NATO-nation diplomats are relieved that Georgia was not in the alliance."

Under the NATO charter, an attack on one ally requires all to rise to its defense. In the case of the August conflict, had Georgia been a NATO member, the alliance could have been pulled into war with Russia.

Reckless Georgia - The Boston Globe

Original: Reckless Georgia - The Boston Globe

Reckless Georgia - The Boston Globe: "The inescapable conclusion is that Saakashvili started the war and lied about it. The Kremlin may have done its part to provoke Georgia over a period of time - and its reaction to the Georgian attacks was deliberately harsh - but that is no excuse for Saakashvili allowing himself to be provoked"

вторник, 11 ноября 2008 г.

EU Ready to Revive Talks on Russia Deal | Europe | Deutsche Welle | 10.11.2008

Original: EU Ready to Revive Talks on Russia Deal | Europe | Deutsche Welle | 10.11.2008

EU Ready to Revive Talks on Russia Deal | Europe | Deutsche Welle | 10.11.2008: "'The choice is very clear: Do we want to bilateralize our relations with Russia or do we want to have a clear EU-Russia policy?' Finnish Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb said."

Georgia News Digest 11-11-08

Original: Georgia News Digest 11-11-08

Militiile din Osetia de Sud au preluat controlul asupra unei localitati din Georgia

Original: Militiile din Osetia de Sud au preluat controlul asupra unei localitati din Georgia

de Marius Mihaiescu HotNews.ro Militiile din regiunea separatista Osetia de Sud au preluat controlul asupra localitatii georgiene Perevi, riscand sa provoace un exod in masa al locuitorilor, au anuntat sambata responsabili de la Tbilisi, citati de AFP. Perevi, o localitate in care traiesc circa 1.100 de oameni, este situata in zona de vest a Osetiei de [...]

New EU talks bring Russia in from cold after Georgia protest | World news | The Guardian

Original: New EU talks bring Russia in from cold after Georgia protest | World news | The Guardian

New EU talks bring Russia in from cold after Georgia protest | World news | The Guardian: "New EU talks bring Russia in from cold after Georgia protest"

понедельник, 10 ноября 2008 г.

Georgia News Digest 11-10-08

Original: Georgia News Digest 11-10-08

Google Video Alert - war AND georgia

Original: Google Video Alert - war AND georgia

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Ossetians Tighten Hold on Village - NYTimes.com

Original: Ossetians Tighten Hold on Village - NYTimes.com

Ossetians Tighten Hold on Village - NYTimes.com: "Ossetians Tighten Hold on Village Ossetians Tighten Hold on Village"

воскресенье, 9 ноября 2008 г.

Report: Georgia May Have Sparked War With Russia - Washington Post Investigations

Original: Report: Georgia May Have Sparked War With Russia - Washington Post Investigations

Report: Georgia May Have Sparked War With Russia - Washington Post Investigations: "Report: Georgia May Have Sparked War With Russia"

Georgia fired first shot, say UK monitors - Times Online

Original: Georgia fired first shot, say UK monitors - Times Online

Georgia fired first shot, say UK monitors - Times Online: "Two former British military officers are expected to give crucial evidence against Georgia when an international inquiry is convened to establish who started the country's bloody five-day war with Russia in August."


Original: foreignpress.ge

foreignpress.ge: "foreignpress.ge"

Georgia Fired More Cluster Bombs Than Thought, Killing Civilians, Report Finds - NYTimes.com

Original: Georgia Fired More Cluster Bombs Than Thought, Killing Civilians, Report Finds - NYTimes.com

Georgia Fired More Cluster Bombs Than Thought, Killing Civilians, Report Finds - NYTimes.com: "Georgia Fired More Cluster Bombs Than Thought, Killing Civilians, Report Finds"

Georgian military forces fired more cluster munitions during their war with Russia in August than originally thought, and some of the weapons may have malfunctioned, causing civilian casualties when they fell short of military targets and hit Georgian villages, according to new research by Human Rights Watch.

wind of changes in USA?

Original: wind of changes in USA?

Call it what you want, but this video and event effected and made me so much emotional that I couldn't resist... Wonder how will all this look after a year, two, three...

пятница, 7 ноября 2008 г.

Updates on Georgia

Original: Updates on Georgia

Georgia newsletter 6-13 November, 2008


Georgia Claims on Russia War Called Into Question - NYTimes.com

Original: Georgia Claims on Russia War Called Into Question - NYTimes.com

Georgia Claims on Russia War Called Into Question - NYTimes.com: "Instead, the accounts suggest that Georgia's inexperienced military attacked the isolated separatist capital of Tskhinvali on Aug. 7 with indiscriminate artillery and rocket fire, exposing civilians, Russian peacekeepers and unarmed monitors to harm."

Georgia News Digest 11-07-08

Original: Georgia News Digest 11-07-08

EU Monitors in New Standoff with Russia

Original: EU Monitors in New Standoff with Russia

In the latest face-off with Russia, the head of the EU Monitoring Mission in Georgia yesterday demanded access to the conflict zones. "The EU monitors have not been able to enter the regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. We keep knocking on their doors, we are carrying out patrols near their checkpoints," said Hans Jorg Haber, head of the EU Monitoring Mission, on Wednesday. "We want to make it clear for everyone that our mandate should cover the entire territory of Georgia."

Late last month, the EU monitors had another pointed confrontation with Moscow, after Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov accused them of ignoring alleged Georgian violations outside the conflict zones. Haber retorted that the EU mission had been "pleasantly surprised" by the lack of serious incidents and called allegations from Georgia o resume negotiations only if the terms of the six point ceasefire agreement had been met.

Russia is defying the ceasefire agreement on numerous accounts. In addition to denying EU monitors access to the conflict zones, Russia has (1) introduced massive additional troops into both regions,; (2) announced plans to maintain and expand its military forces and bases in both of those regions: (3) seized areas that the Government of Georgia controlled prior to the invasion including the district of Akhalgori, a predominantly ethnic Georgian town, just 60 km from Tbilisi, that has never been a part of the conflict zone, and (4) forcibly evicted the Georgian po from the newly seized areas (Kodori gorge). And it has failed to rescind its recognition of the independence of the two Georgian territories.

Meanwhile, Russia also is maintaining more than double the pre-conflict legal limit of troops in the regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Haber, the head of the EU monitors

Elections in Adjara & Tbilisi

Original: Elections in Adjara & Tbilisi

Elections for the local parliament in the Adjara Autonomous Republic—as well as Parliamentary by-elections in Tbilisi—were held Monday in a "most peaceful and quiet environment, without significant violations," according to observers from the Council of Europe.

"In comparison with previous years, the election system was really improved," said Gunter Kruger, the head of the CoE delegation and a member of the Berlin house of representatives. The Council's positive judgment was echoed by almost all other local and international observers, numbering over 1,500 in total. There were 21 international and 9 local observer missions in Adjara, and slightly fewer in Tbilisi for the by-elections. They noted numerous advances made in several aspects of the electoral process, including fair access to the airwaves and to administrative resour d Kruger during his Tuesday press conference.

The United National Movement party of President Saakashvili won an easy victory in Adjara, despite not having mounted a major campaign. Meanwhile, the UNM did not contest the Parliamentary by-elections in Tbilisi, in a gesture aimed at increasing pluralism in a legislative body that UNM dominates. The two, single–mandate constituencies were won by Guram Chakhvadze of the National-Democratic Party and Tamaz Kvachantiradze of the Christian-Democratic Party.

"Although Adjara is a very important region for me and the results of elections there are important for Georgia, neither I nor the central authorities participated in the election campaign," said President Saakashvili after the vote. "I asked the National Movement not to put ads on the central TV channels and we have not spent significant funds on advertising."

среда, 5 ноября 2008 г.

Next Round of Geneva Talks

Original: Next Round of Geneva Talks

Recently, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation has been falsely accusing the Georgian side for abandoning Geneva discussions on October 15 and not planning to take part in the next round of negotiations on November 18, 2008. Such claims are absolutely groundless and represent yet another example of Soviet type propaganda aimed at misleading the international community.

Georgia believes that the moderators have done an outstanding job in organizing the first round of the Geneva discussions. The existing format of the talks creates all the preconditions for successful conduct of the second and future rounds. Georgia stands ready to continue constructive engagement in the Geneva talks, as we have done on October 15.

It is not Georgia, but the Russian Federation, and its proxy regimes of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali Region on of its dedication to the peace process. The Geneva format, in our opinion, is a good way forward to solve the existing problems and discuss outstanding issues. The Georgian side, on its part, will be closely cooperating with the moderators and all the interested parties to make sure that the next meeting within the Geneva format takes place on November 18, as planned.

Tbilisi, 3 November, 2008

Georgia News Digest 11-05-08

Original: Georgia News Digest 11-05-08

Georgia News Digest 11-05-08
A service of the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies
Archives and associated files at sakartvelo.com ???
Jeffrey V. Steele nospam@steele.com soc culture rep-of-georgia Guys: With
all the discussion about sakartvelo.com, its worth considering who actually
http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.rep-of-georgia?hl=en - Nov 19,
1998 by - 13 message - 7 author

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Re: http://www.welcome.to/sakartvelo
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вторник, 4 ноября 2008 г.

Google Video Alert - war and south-ossetia and georgia and russia

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Georgia News Digest 11-04-08

Original: Georgia News Digest 11-04-08

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A service of the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies
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воскресенье, 2 ноября 2008 г.

Google Alert - russia and war and south-ossetia and georgia

Original: Google Alert - russia and war and south-ossetia and georgia

=== Google Web Alert for: russia and war and south-ossetia and georgia ===

2008 South Ossetia war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The 2008 South Ossetia War was a land, air and sea war fought between
Georgia on one side, and Russia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia, as well as
Russian and ...

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