воскресенье, 5 апреля 2009 г.

Google Alert - "south-ossetia"

Original: Google Alert - "south-ossetia"

=== Google Blogs Alert for: "south-ossetia" ===

INTERMEX POWER: Obama, Medvedev agreed to disagree only on Georgia ...
By Ricardo Valenzuela
Obama, he said, told Medvedev the US would never recognise South Ossetia
and the other Georgia breakaway province of Abkhazia as Russia has, but
that there was no rancor between them, even though they disagreed
politically and ...

News | The Independent UK - Nato at 60: What you need to know
By The Independent
Nato leaders pressed Russia to pull troops out of the seperatist Georgian
regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, saying withdrawal was crucial to the
EU-brokered peace agreement that ended last summer's war between Russia and
the former ...
News | The Independent UK

NATO leaders agree to resume direct talks with Russia | Sindh Today
By Sindh Today
But at the same time, NATO said that cooperation with Russia did not mean
compromise of its core principles, criticising "the build-up of
Russia's military presence" in Georgia's breakaway Abkhazia and South
Ossetia and urging for full ...
Sindh Today

Russia: Lets Talk NATO with Russia's envoy to NATO Dmitry Rogozin ...
By peppy200@gmail.com (Kyle and Svet Keeton)
Nor is Russia giving up its new kids, Abkhazia and South Ossetia... NATO -
equals SAD! Kyle and Svet comments always welcome. By: Kyle and Svet Keeton
: Saturday, April 04, 2009 Labels: NATO, Russia. Russia: Lets Talk NATO
with Russia's ...
Windows to Russia - The Russian Blog!

Из жизни преподобного Серого Ежа и его друзей - NATO. The 60 years ...
By yozhikusa
Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer criticises EU-brokered ceasefire
deal for allowing more Russian forces to remain in breakaway regions of
Abkhazia and South Ossetia. 2009 March - Nato says that high-level contacts
with Russia ...
Из жизни преподобно...

Misunderestimated Enemy | Let Me Tell You...
By Venik
Russia-NATO Council resumed April 4, 2009. NATO members decide to resume
work of joint NATO-Russia Council, which was suspended after Russia had
recognized the independence of former Georgian republics of Abkhazia and
South Ossetia. ...
Let Me Tell You...

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