четверг, 11 июня 2009 г.
Google Alert - "south-ossetia"
=== Google Blogs Alert for: "south-ossetia" ===
Virtual Collector: Save Georgia's Peace Mission
By Lord Vader
Last August, Moscow and Tbilisi fought a short but vicious war over South
Ossetia, a region of less than 50000 people that Moscow now recognizes as
an independent state but which the rest of the world regards as part of
Georgia. ...
Virtual Collector
Russia ready for nuclear-free world, Putin says « Defencedebates's ...
By defencedebates
Tension has remained high since Russia crushed the Georgian military and,
over the objections of the United States and Europe, recognized South
Ossetia and a second breakaway region, Abkhazia, as independent countries.
Defencedebates's Weblog
Jamestown Foundation Blog: Russia's Economic Pressure on Belarus ...
By Jamestown Foundation
... spoke openly about the fact that Russia linked the postponement of the
$500 million loan to Belarus with Minsk's continued refusal to recognize
the independence of Georgia's breakaway regions of South Ossetia and
Abkhazia. ...
Jamestown Foundation Blog
RA's Daily Russian News Blast - June 11, 2009 - Robert Amsterdam
By Editor
A draft UN resolution has been submitted to extend the authority of UN
observers in Abkhazia and South Ossetia to 'first and foremost monitor the
compliance of Russia' in the cease fire agreement. Israel has reportedly
reduced sales of ...
Robert Amsterdam
Georgian journalists: Russia "jams Georgian FM Radio Channels"
By Andy Sennitt
South Ossetia was the focus of war between Russia and Georgia in 2008. It
declared independence from Georgia and was recognised by Russia and
Nicaragua. (Source: The Financial). Andy Sennitt comments: From the
description, if true, ...
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среда, 10 июня 2009 г.
Google Alert - "south-ossetia"
=== Google News Alert for: "south-ossetia" ===
Russia denies putting pressure on Belarus
Messenger.ge - Tbilisi,Georgia
By Temuri Kiguradze Moscow has stated that it is not demanding that Minsk
either recognize the Georgian breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South
Ossetia or ...
See all stories on this topic:
New Trust Potential Must Be Created Via Cooperation In Settlement ...
Journal of Turkish Weekly - Ankara,Turkey
The German foreign minister expressed his regret that "the efforts to
extent the OSCE presence in South Ossetia have not yet been successful. ...
See all stories on this topic:
Germany urges Russia to work with Obama on arms cuts
Reuters UK - UK
The two countries fought a five-day war last year after Georgia attempted
to retake its breakaway, pro-Russian region of South Ossetia. ...
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A Problem with the Udder
Russia Profile - Moscow,Russia
He also accused Russia of offering Belarus a $500 million loan only on
condition that it recognizes Abkhazia and South Ossetia. With relations
that frosty, ...
See all stories on this topic:
Georgia's Peace
Reuters UK - UK
Last August, Moscow and Tbilisi fought a short but vicious war over South
Ossetia, a region of less than 50000 people that Moscow now recognizes as
an ...
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Medvedev does not want to meet with Lukashenka
Charter 97 - Belarus
In his turn, Lukashenka called actions of official Moscow
"blackmailing", stating that the Russian authorities demand Minsk to
recognize South Ossetia and ...
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вторник, 9 июня 2009 г.
ÐаÑод гÑÐ¾Ð·Ð¸Ñ ÑаÑпÑавиÑÑÑÑ Ñ Ð»Ð¸Ð´ÐµÑами оппозиÑии
Грузинская оппозиция в тупике, и каждый день ожидает выхода из него. На любой зов оппозиции приходило на акцию столько народу, что могло порадовать лидеров, но цель осталась недостижимой. Михаил Саакашвили – по-прежнему президент. Как и предполагала часть экспертов, оппозиция стала заложницей своего одного-единственного требования – немедленной отставки президента. Именно невыполнение этого категорического требования сделало оппозицию заложницей [...]

Google Alert - "south-ossetia"
=== Google News Alert for: "south-ossetia" ===
Russia denies Belarus cooperation linked to S.Ossetia, Abkhazia
RIA Novosti - Moscow,Russia
... recognizing the two former Georgian territories as independent, Sergei
Lavrov said: "We have never asked anyone to recognize South Ossetia and
Abkhazia. ...
See all stories on this topic:
Russia Not Connects Recognition Of Abkhazia Sossetia With ...
Journal of Turkish Weekly - Ankara,Turkey
Russia has never connected and does not connect the recognition of the
independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia with the issues of practical
cooperation ...
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Determination of the legality of Russia's intervention into Georgia
Georgiandaily - New York,NY,USA
South Ossetia (formerly known as Samachablo), covering about 3900 km² on
the southern side of the Caucasus, is a region of Georgia which is
separated by the ...
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Russian Attempts to Organize the CSTO, the Central Asian Answer to ...
The Seminal - Chicago,IL,USA
... much like the incident in South Ossetia last year, where many believe
the real reason for Russia's response to the Georgian invasion was to
protect its ...
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понедельник, 8 июня 2009 г.
Google Alert - "south-ossetia"
=== Google Blogs Alert for: "south-ossetia" ===
Trend News : Georgia Seizes Upon Russian General's Remarks
Borisov was in charge of the Russian troops on the ground in South Ossetia
during the August war and some time after the war. He said in an interview
with the Ekho Moskvy radio station on June 6, while speaking in general
about ...
Trend News Agency
Truth about Georgia from behind the lens | Top Stories from 2009 ...
The Ossetians invited me to come and do a documentary, but now it's too
late – Georgians are no longer allowed into the territory of South
Ossetia. There are many important questions still unanswered. Who started
the war? Why? ...
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воскресенье, 7 июня 2009 г.
Google Alert - "south-ossetia"
=== Google News Alert for: "south-ossetia" ===
Saakashvili on UN Chief Report on Abkhazia
Civil Georgia - Georgia
The final version of that agreement reads: "Opening of international
discussions on security and stability modalities in Abkhazia and South
Ossetia" ...
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Kremlin: Georgian territorial integrity "unreal"
Messenger.ge - Tbilisi,Georgia
By Temuri Kiguradze Russia again demanded an independent OSCE mission in
the Georgian breakaway region of South Ossetia at the OSCE Permanent
Council ...
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EurasiaNet - New York,NY,USA
... are stationed just a few kilometers away from the capital [in the
breakaway region of South Ossetia - ed] and its is clear that, in such
conditions, ...
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Belarus leader rejects conditions on Russian loan
Reuters - USA
"It has come to this -- they came and said: if there's South Ossetia and
Abkhazia, there will also be $500 million," Lukashenko said in the
interview, ...
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суббота, 6 июня 2009 г.
SaakaÅvili a numit cauzele discordiei cu Nino Burdjanadze
Preşedintele Georgiei Mihail Saakaşvili a numit astăzi motivele conflictului cu fostul preşedinte al parlamentului Georgiei, iar în prezent unul din liderii opoziţiei, Nino Burdjanadze. Potrivit preşedintelui, anul trecut Burdjanadze a introdus pe listele de partid rude, persoane apropiate, inclusiv şi „multe elemente dubioase". „Burdjanadze a venit şi mi-a spus – „eu am lista mea". În această [...]

Google Alert - "south-ossetia"
=== Google News Alert for: "south-ossetia" ===
Nuclear talks put on hold
RT - Moscow,Russia
He said that today, the Georgian Army is clearly better equipped than at
the time of the conflict with Russia in South Ossetia last August. ...
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Ðве ÑÐ°Ð¹Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»Ð¸ÑиÑеÑкой ÑиÑÑÐµÐ¼Ñ ÐÑÑзии
Политическая система Грузии серьезно больна. Об этом свидетельствуют более двухсот зарегистрированных политических партий, и до двадцати политических лидеров с президентскими амбициями. Для такой маленькой страны, как Грузия, это настоящая катастрофа… Хотя бы потому, что чем пестрее политический спектр, тем легче для спецслужб (наших и зарубежных) п� Политические партии и политэлита [...]

Georgia Wants UN Mission, â But Not at Any Priceâ
Georgia is in favor of maintaining UN observer mission, “but not at any price,” Giga Bokeria, the Georgian deputy foreign minister, said on June 5.
UN Security Council will meet on June 12 to discuss the matter and the resolution by the Council is expected for June 15, when the current four-month mandate of UN observer mission, monitoring situation on the both sides of the Abkhaz administrative border, as well as in upper Kodori Gorge, expires.
Civil Georgia reports.
Source: Civil Georgia
“We are interested in maintaining the UN mission but not at any price and not at any strength,” Bokeria told journalists. “We hope that the result will be achieved – the UN mission will be maintained; a very firm position on Georgia’s territorial inte the Georgian diplomat’s statements. There are some forms of doing that – either through change of totally unjustified wording of his statement or possibly through raising the issue of recalling our ambassador,” MP Laliashvili said.
Lawmaker from the ruling party, Akaki Minashvili, who chairs the parliamentary committee for foreign affairs defended Ambassador Lomaia’s remarks by saying that the statement was “timely and adequate.”
“There was a serious threat that Russia might have used blackmail and Geneva process to exert certain influence on the UN Secretary General’s report. Therefore, it was a principled position of the Georgian ambassador and the Georgian state will adhere to that principled position in any diplomatic negotiations,” MP Minashvili said.
Organizatorii protestelor au creat o nouÄ uniune
Organizatorii acţiunilor de protest au decis crearea unei noi uniuni social-politice, care urmează să devină o analogie „Solidarităţii" poloneze. Scopul uniunii este lupta împotriva puterii în fomră absolut nouă. Şi „Academia Georgiană" a primit propunerea de a se alătura noii organizaţii. Potrivit membrului academiei Nukri Kantaria, Georgia are nevoie de propria sa „Solidaritate". „Într-adevăr este nevoie [...]

Moscow Insists on Separate OSCE Mission in Tskhinvali
Grigory Karasin, the Russian deputy foreign minister, reiterated Moscow’s position on the need of having two separate OSCE missions one based in Tskhinvali and another one in Tbilisi to reflect the change of realities on the ground since the August war. He told the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna that other options would keep organization member states “hostages of politicized and stalemated situation.” Civil Georgia reports.
Civil Georgia, Tbilisi / 4 Jun.'09
In his address Karasin spoke much about the Russia’s interpretation of launch of the August war and post-war developments, justifying Russia’s recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Karasin also spoke against, what he called, “remilitarization&rdquo rgian opposition and deepening of internal political instability in Georgian confirm serious systemic failures in the activities of Georgia’s present state machinery.”
“It is high time for the Georgian political elite to temper down its geopolitical ambitions and to start gradual normalization of relations with its neighbors. Eventually, that is exactly what will help Georgia to take a worthy place in the regional politics,” Karasin added.
He also said that Russia was still insisting on a binding agreement between Tbilisi and Sokhumi and Tbilisi and Tskhinvali on non-use of force. Karasin said that putting a relevant provision about the need for such agreements in the upcoming UN Security Council resolution on Abkhazia would help to stabilize situation in the region.
In a response statement at the OSCE Permanent Council, U.S. chargé d'affaires Kyle Scott said that views of Washington and Moscow on situation in Georgia were “mark
Saakashvili on UN Chief Report on Abkhazia
President Saakashvili said on June 5, that Georgia reacted firmly and did not “swallowed” removal of “Abkhazia, Georgia” wording from the UN Secretary General’s recent report on Abkhazia. Civil Georgia reports.
If it were in 1993, [ex-president Eduard] Shevardnadze would have swallowed it as he had been usually swallowing everything else,” he said. “I personally called several senior officials from the U.S. Administration. We had intensive contacts with the French President, with many European ministers and I want to say – we had not had such support in UN since 1993 as we h uo;I saw that UN Mission last year, when the Russian tanks were approaching Enguri. And I witnessed that the UN Mission disappeared from there in ten minutes. The UN Mission, which evaporates in 10 minutes and leaves the people alone, is not worth of rejecting our rights on our territory,” Saakashvili said. He made the similar remarks about the UN observer mission in January, 2009. “If Georgia maintains internal consolidation – I mean under conditions of democracy – it is simply ruled out not to return our territories. But it requires our peaceful diplomatic struggle on all fronts,” he said on June 5. When speaking about “the principle position” of Georgia, Saakashvili also recalled the French-mediated talks on ceasefire with Russia.
“Russia sent a document, which said – Abkhazia’s urity.” At that time Saaka
OpoziÅ£ia radicalÄ Ã®Åi schimbÄ tactica
Unul din liderii opoziţiei georgiene, Levan Gaceciladze a anunţat astăzi despre schimbarea tacticii de luptă în cadrul întrevederii cu corpul diplomatic în incinta hotelului „Tbilisi Mariott". Potrivit lui Gaceciladze, detaliile noului plan vor fi făcute publice în următoarele zile. Gaceciladze a evidenţiat faptul că la întrevedere s-a discutat despre incidentele care au avut loc în [...]

Ãn Georgia, lupta dintre opoziÅ£ie Åi putere continuÄ. AcÅ£iunile violente provoacÄ o rupturÄ dintre radicali Åi moderaÅ£i
28 mai 2009 – limita maximă a violenţelor? Capitala Georgiei, Tbilisi, din nou este zdruncinată de violenţe. La 28 mai, la două zile după „marşul popular", organizat cu scopul de a bloca festivităţile guvernului cu ocazia zilei de independenţă, au avut loc cele mai violente confruntări de la 9 aprilie până acum. Potrivit versiunii difuzate de [...]

пятница, 5 июня 2009 г.
Google Alert - "south-ossetia"
=== Google Blogs Alert for: "south-ossetia" ===
My political blog and other musings: Elections in South Ossetia ...
By Vino S
In the breakway republic of South Ossetia, the elections saw a victory for
the Unity Party with around 46% of the votes. The party seems to be
modelled on Putin/Medvedev's United Russia Party. The elections may well
not have been that ...
My political blog and other musings
Lukashenko accuses Russia of blackmailing Belarus to recognize ...
By Bureau News
February 5th, 2009 BRUSSELS - The European Union (EU) warned Russia
Thursday not to go ahead with its plans to build up a military presence in
Georgia's breakaway regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, saying they
would jeopardise ...
The Gaea News
Russian-Azerbaijani Approach: Strategic Impulse or an Immediate ...
By y2009k
By Andrey Areshev The end of the "five-days war" and Russian
recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia independence gave a new powerful
impulse for the discussion of the Caucasian region future. International
summits, conferences,
European Dialogue
RA's Daily Russian News Blast - June 5, 2009 - Robert Amsterdam
By Editor
Russia has defended its amassing of troops in South Ossetia and Abkhazia as
'totally legitimate.' Poland is highly displeased about an article called
'Fabrications and Falsifications About the Soviet Union in the Run-up to
and Start of ...
Robert Amsterdam
Miskitus Declare Independence | Mostly Water
By blackandred
So far it has yet to actively respond to the declaration, perhaps
embarrassed by the fact that last year Ortega was the only world leader to
recognize the breakaway Russian-backed republics of South Ossetia and
Abkhazia. ...
Mostly Water - "Canadian" and...
Where is Obama on Georgia? » The Foundry
By Sally McNamara
As a U.S. Senator and Chairman of the Subcommittee on Europe, President
Obama was a supporter of Georgia's accelerated accession to MAP. Russia's
invasion of Georgia and its annexation of South Ossetia and Abkhazia should
not change ...
The Foundry
Still Blaming Whitey « Locust blog
By whitelocust
In the nearby Georgia, terror and warfare is seen in the diverse regions of
Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The USSR, which for generations used force,
shame and propaganda to create a New Soviet Man who did not care about
nationalism, ...
Locust blog
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U.N. Secretary-General Revises Report on Abkhazia under Russian Pressure
Publication from Eurasia Daily Monitor
By: Vladimir Socor
Russia no longer needs to veto the U.N. Security Council's (UNSC) resolution on the mandate of U.N. observers in Georgia, which expires on June 15. Intimidated by Moscow's veto threats, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and some key UNSC members have bowed to Russian demands and agreed to change key wording in the Secretary-General's report that recommends a new mandate for the observers.
Presented in closed-door consultations on May 27 at the UNSC, the report no longer refers to Abkhazia as part of Georgia. The report eliminates even the UNSC's traditional way of referring to Abkhazia as "Abkhazia, Georgia," a usage that had been designed to imply that this territory was situated within Georgia. The report also reco e that "process" as well, Ba and his Secretariat changed their report's wording to Moscow's liking. The Abkhaz and South Ossetian delegates promptly returned to the Geneva talks.
According to a statement issued by Ba's office in his name, "The claim that the Secretary-General amended his report in response to Russian ‘blackmail' is categorically rejected. That statement itself is very unfortunate...[His change of wording] reflected his view of what all [UNSC] members could live with" (UNSC press release, Civil Georgia, May 28, 29).
While describing Georgian anguish as "very unfortunate," Ba has never been heard using such terms regarding the Russian military invasion. His reference to the need for wording acceptable to all members is a euphemism for it being acceptable to veto-wielding Russia.
This Russian maneuver in the UNSC is hardly new. Ba's predecessors had experienced it and submitted to it also when this mission's mandate was due for prolo that ran along the Inguri River
четверг, 4 июня 2009 г.
Google Alert - "south-ossetia"
=== Google News Alert for: "south-ossetia" ===
Another Summer in Georgia
Washington Post - United States
Instead it has reinforced its units in Georgia and has between 5000 and
7500 soldiers in the provinces of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, which Moscow
now ...
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Saakashvili Comments on S.Ossetia
Civil Georgia - Georgia
President Saakashvili said that parliamentary elections in breakaway South
Ossetia, which he described as Russia's "military camp," did not
deserve much ...
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In the Image and Likeness
Russia Profile - Moscow,Russia
By Dmitry Babich Elections in South Ossetia, one of the two breakaway
regions of Georgia diplomatically recognized by Russia last September, ...
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Kiwi nurse receives top honour for field service
New Zealand Herald - New Zealand
Speaking from South Ossetia where she is now working, Ms Hood said she was
surprised and honoured. "I am very humbled to be awarded the Florence
Nightingale ...
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=== Google Web Alert for: "south-ossetia" ===
Russia ally strengthens grip on South Ossetia Telegraph
South Ossetia's leader tightened his grip on the rebel Georgian region on
Monday after a party loyal to him won elections condemned as "illegitimate"
by the ...
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среда, 3 июня 2009 г.
West German Officer, Stasi Agent / ISN
West German Officer, Stasi Agent / ISN: "West German Officer, Stasi Agent"
Costs of War: Fixing National Security / ISN
Costs of War: Fixing National Security / ISN: "the most serious allegations leveled against Bush's war on terror was that it broke Washington's national security policymaking structures"
Google Alert - "south-ossetia"
=== Google News Alert for: "south-ossetia" ===
Obama-Medvedev: Georgia is Key to the "Reset"
Georgiandaily - New York,NY,USA
Beginning on August 7, 2008, Russian tanks poured into Georgia, thrusting
well beyond the Moscow-backed separatist territories of South Ossetia and
Abkhazia ...
See all stories on this topic:
Georgia official calls rail blast a terror attack
Reuters - USA
Georgia fought a five-day war with Russia last year after it attempted to
retake the breakaway region of South Ossetia. Moscow subsequently
recognised both ...
See all stories on this topic:
UPI NewsTrack TopNews
United Press International - USA
"The United States regrets the decision to hold so-called 'elections' in
the South Ossetia region of Georgia on May 31, 2009, and recognizes neither
the ...
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NATO exercises in Georgia nearing their end
Messenger.ge - Tbilisi,Georgia
The separatist authorities of Georgian breakaway region South Ossetia have
announced that the NATO-backed trainings in Georgia were deliberately
conducted ...
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Amnesty International Report 2009 on Russia
American Chronicle - Beverly Hills,CA,USA
After months of increased tension and low-level hostilities, tensions
between Georgia and the breakaway region of South Ossetia erupted into an
armed ...
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What We're Reading
DemocracyArsenal.org - New York,NY,USA
South Ossetia elected its own parliament, another step away from Georgian
rule. Bill Powell profiles Kim Jong Un, poised to be Kim Jong-il's
successor. ...
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вторник, 2 июня 2009 г.
Google Alert - "south-ossetia"
=== Google News Alert for: "south-ossetia" ===
So-called Elections In South Ossetia Do Not Correspond To Any ...
Journal of Turkish Weekly - Ankara,Turkey
Recognition of legitimacy of so-called parliamentary elections held by the
puppet regime of Tskhinvali is not possible for the Speaker of the
legislative ...
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Google Alert - sakartvelo
=== Google Web Alert for: sakartvelo ===
Tbilisi CityGeorgiaSakartveloGeorgi Videos Asterpix Interactive Video
tbilisi city.georgia.sakartvelo.georgie.paris.georgien.;tbilisi
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понедельник, 1 июня 2009 г.
Google Alert - "south-ossetia"
=== Google Web Alert for: "south-ossetia" ===
Breakway South Ossetia region holds election Telegraph
The rebel Georgian region of South Ossetia voted yesterday in polls
expected to secure the grip of its separatist leader nine months after it
was the ...
BBC NEWS | Europe | Disputed South Ossetia holds poll
Elections are taking place in South Ossetia, the first polls since it
declared independence from Georgia last year.
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De Ziua IndependenÅ£ei, oponenÅ£ii lui SaakaÅvili au paralizat Georgia
Situaţia din Georgia continuă să fie instabilă. Pe 26 mai, anul curent, data la care acest stat şi-a proclamat independenţa, parada militară, care s-a dorit a fi încă un simbol al capacităţii de autoapărare şi suveranitate a Georgiei, a fost anulată din cauza acţiunilor de protest în masă organizate de opoziţia radicală. Aşa cum au promis [...]