Stalin's ghost appears to Putin in a dream, and Putin asks for his help running the country. Stalin says, "Round up and shoot all the democrats, and then paint the inside of the Kremlin blue." "Why blue?" Putin asks. "Ha!" says Stalin. "I knew you wouldn't ask me about the first part."
What was the nationality of Adam and Eve?
-Russian of course. Why else would they think they're in Paradise when they were homeless, naked, and just had one apple for both of them? e decided that you will go to the Sun!'
'But we will burn up, Leonid Iljich!'
'Be not afraid, comrades, the Party has thought of everything. You
will leave at night.'
Is it possible to live on your salary?
Don't know, didn't try.
Brezhnev and Nixon took a trip by helicopter to inspect workers in the suburbs of Moscow. Nixon noticed workers' barracks with television aerials and exclaimed, 'You have surpassed us! We still don't have TVs in our pigsties!'
'It will be even worse!' cries the pessimist.
'It can't get any worse,' the optimist answers.
When did the first Soviet elections take place?
When God put Eve before Adam and said: 'Choose yourself a wife!'
When Nixon visited the USSR, Brezhnev showed him a Soviet phone of the latest technology in which it was possible to call Hell. Nixon called the Devil. The conversation cost only 27 Kopecks.
Upon returning to America o become?'
'An orphan!'
-Russian of course. Why else would they think they're in Paradise when they were homeless, naked, and just had one apple for both of them? e decided that you will go to the Sun!'
'But we will burn up, Leonid Iljich!'
'Be not afraid, comrades, the Party has thought of everything. You
will leave at night.'
Is it possible to live on your salary?
Don't know, didn't try.
Brezhnev and Nixon took a trip by helicopter to inspect workers in the suburbs of Moscow. Nixon noticed workers' barracks with television aerials and exclaimed, 'You have surpassed us! We still don't have TVs in our pigsties!'
'It will be even worse!' cries the pessimist.
'It can't get any worse,' the optimist answers.
When did the first Soviet elections take place?
When God put Eve before Adam and said: 'Choose yourself a wife!'
When Nixon visited the USSR, Brezhnev showed him a Soviet phone of the latest technology in which it was possible to call Hell. Nixon called the Devil. The conversation cost only 27 Kopecks.
Upon returning to America o become?'
'An orphan!'